Your individualized quote for homeowners insurance is not found on any kind of static chart that matches your age, home value and deductible information to a set price. Homeowners insurance quotes are specifically developed for each applicant and are based on the very personal details of your lifestyle and living space. Here’s a taste of what some of the factors involved in your premium pricing include:
The age of your home: Older homes are less fortified against natural disasters than newer homes, and are also more expensive to repair. Newer homes are built to new safety standards and with more durable materials. What does this mean to you? That if you have an older home, you can expect a more expensive homeowners insurance quote. 
The construction of your home: Wood frame houses are susceptible to fire in a way that concrete block and brick homes are not. Concrete homes can also stand up to harsher environmental elements. That makes wood frame houses more expensive to insure.
The breed of dog you have: You might think your pets have no bearing on the price of your homeowners insurance premium—but then, you’d be wrong. Some breeds of dog are known for their propensity to attack strangers. While your dog might be perfectly trained and accepting of a belly rub from anyone on the block, if you have one of the higher risk breeds then the reputation of the breed supersedes Fido’s prior behavior and will result in a higher insurance premium due to increased liability.
Fire protection options: Smaller towns don’t always have their own fire department. Instead, they might have a volunteer force to fight the small blazes, with the bigger city force stepping in to handle the larger fires. The type of fire fighting force you have access to in your home will help determine what types of rates you are charged for your insurance. In addition, your proximity to a fire hydrant can affect the premiums you are charged—with closer proximity rewarded by lower premiums. Having a woodstove can also cause more underwriting by the company as well as a rate increase.
Insurance companies need to know all the details when they are evaluating your property for homeowners insurance coverage. Each of the details above, along with countless others, come together to create a picture of the total risk you and your family expose the insurance company to. It is this comprehensive picture with both positive and negative points that will determine the premium you are charged.
Please contact Benway-Johnston Insurance today for an Home Insurance Quote 603-432-3357.